Saturday, October 21, 2023

Creating a Meaningful Life in Retirement

Retirement presents the opportunity for a reset on how we wish to spend our time. Aging with mindfulness is a way to make the most of the upcoming years through awareness and focus on what matters most to us. We need to know our interests and values to avoid spending this precious time in life in extended boredom or distracted by participating in activities just to stay busy. This is an exercise to help you find activities that align with what matters most to you.

When we know what matters to us, we can use it as a filter for deciding activities and how we want to spend our time. We can find what we love. We find what inspires and builds passion. We can make the most of this time as an opportunity to reset our rhythm and routine for living the rest of our lives.  

Remember there is no right way or wrong purpose. Be free to pick what truly matters most to you.

How do you want to spend your time? What aligns with what matters most to you?

1.      Adventure: Activities that are exciting and stimulating like traveling to faraway places or trying something wildly new.

2.      Activism: Working for political and social change.

a.       Service in the form of giving time, or money to make a difference.

b.      Inclusiveness as a way to challenge inequality and discrimination.

c.       Promoting justice through fair and equitable treatment for all.

d.      Sharing love with all living creatures with warmth, affection, and emotional closeness.

3.      Beauty and magic: Magic is to renew a sense of wonder at the miracles and paradoxes of evolution and the ever-changing diversity of life. Seek environments where you can observe beauty and awe.

4.      Education: Working to acquire information and skills through education.

a.       Value experiences that promote growth and improving self.

b.      Spirituality retreats and events to deepen your soul.

5.      Environment: Activities reflecting your desire to protect and care for all living things.

6.      Family: Promote the happiness, health, and wellbeing of all your family members.

7.      Fun: Engage in activities that bring more joy.

8.      Health: Engage in learning and living in ways that promote overall wellbeing.

9.      Simplicity: Engage in ways to simplify life.

10.  Social Connections: Prioritize close and ongoing relationships with others.

11.  Solitude: Prioritize time to be alone with activities you do alone.